
February 2021 Archives

how-to-prove-your-slip-and-fall-case Michael Babboni Mar/25/2021 Michael Babboni

How To Prove Your Slip And Fall Case

In the state of Florida, anyone who has experienced a slip and fall injury has four years from the time of their accident to file a lawsuit. In Florida slip and fall injury cases, comparative negligence will be considered in your case which will affe...

did-a-reckless-driver-take-your-loved-ones-life Michael Babboni Mar/23/2021 Michael Babboni

Did A Reckless Driver Take Your Loved One's Life?

Most people probably don't think they'll die in car crashes, but the truth of the matter is, you just never know. Nobody knows what the future holds, well, unless they're fortune tellers, and even then, fate can be a bit hazy, though. The reality is...

costs-to-consider-after-a-car-accident Michael Babboni Mar/22/2021 Michael Babboni

Costs To Consider After A Car Accident

The accident itself is really only the first stressful part of finding yourself in a Florida car accident. What many don’t realize is that the stress not only lasts, but compounds in the days, weeks, and months following the accident that is now long...

avoiding-slip-and-fall-accidents-in-florida Michael Babboni Mar/18/2021 Michael Babboni

Avoiding Slip And Fall Accidents In Florida

While the St. Petersburg area may not experience the same icy and snowy conditions as other parts of the country, that doesn’t mean we don’t have slip and fall risk areas of our own during the winter season. Slip and fall accidents are responsible fo...

are-these-vehicles-sleek-stylish-or-problematic Michael Babboni Mar/17/2021 Michael Babboni

Are These Vehicles Sleek, Stylish, Or Problematic?

The long wait for fans of the Ford Bronco is finally over. These vehicles are back on the market again after years and years. They are sleek and stylish, something anyone would be proud to drive. The SUVs also have plenty of power for maneuvering thr...

a-truck-accident-can-put-a-strain-on-ones-finances Michael Babboni Mar/16/2021 Michael Babboni

A Truck Accident Can Put A Strain On One's Finances

Commercial truck drivers do a lot of good for communities. They keep America rolling, so to speak, by moving products from place to place. These operators help clothe, feed and entertain citizens. Sure, they may not be seen or get the credit their du...

4-reasons-why-insurers-deny-insurance-claims Michael Babboni Mar/15/2021 Michael Babboni

4 Reasons Why Insurers Deny Insurance Claims

It can feel as if a person is paying for auto insurance for no reason at times. Why? Because the policies never get used in some cases, that's why. That isn't a bad thing, though. Sure, people spend a ton of money on coverage, but if they aren't fili...

unsafe-conditions-cause-accidents Michael Babboni Mar/11/2021 Michael Babboni

Unsafe Conditions Cause Accidents

Property owners are supposed to keep guests safe while visiting their properties. That not only includes friends and family members but licensees too. Nobody is saying they have to jump in front of others and take bullets for them. The situation is a...

how-do-lawsuits-get-so-much-money Michael Babboni Mar/09/2021 Michael Babboni

How Do Lawsuits Get So Much Money?

While it doesn't happen for the vast majority of lawsuits, a litigation case will make the news headlines on rare occasions. One common reason for this is the amounts involved, such as the infamous McDonald's lawsuit back in 1994. The Liebeck v. McDo...

a-household-item-that-could-pose-a-fire-risk Michael Babboni Mar/08/2021 Michael Babboni

A Household Item That Could Pose A Fire Risk

It is no secret that people are stressed and overwhelmed today. COVID-19 became a problem last year, and it is still wreaking havoc on the world today. The virus wasn't the only issue, though. Social injustice also took center stage, with peaceful pr...

why-is-florida-a-dangerous-state-for-motorists Michael Babboni Mar/03/2021 Michael Babboni

Why is Florida a Dangerous State for Motorists

Florida welcomes millions of tourists per year due to the beautiful beaches, theme parks, unique activities, etc. the city can definitely provide a one-of-a-kind vacation. However, whether you plan to visit or stay in the state, it’s essential you ar...

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