
Injured in a Limousine Crash: What Are My Rights?

Riding in a limousine usually turns out to be a pretty exciting time. However, accidents do still happen, and your fun night out can quickly turn into a nightmare. If you were injured in a limousine crash, here is what you should know.

What Are Common Carrier Suits?

A common carrier refers to any company that offers transportation to the public as a paid service. This also means that they have a higher responsibility when it comes to safe driving than an average driver would have. Following a limousine accident, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit against many parties, including the limo driver, the limo service, or even both.

When determining liability, you have to prove who was at fault for the accident. For example, if the limo driver falls asleep at the wheel and gets into an accident, then the liability for that accident would fall to the limo driver due to negligence.

However, if it were another vehicle and not the limo that caused the accident, you would have to prove the other driver's fault, and they would be responsible for the damages.

How Do You Prove Liability?

Common carrier accidents do not fall under strict liability laws, and this includes limousines. So, if you were injured in a limousine accident, the burden of proof falls to you. You must prove that the driver or carrier's negligence was a direct cause of the accident. You also have to prove the full extent of the damages you are claiming.

To prove your case in court, there are several things you can do. If you are trying to establish negligence, then you want to prove if any of the following were to blame:

• There was speeding or any unsafe driving
• The driver was under the influence
• Negligent hiring practices were followed through with
• There was a lack of experience and training
• Driver was driving aggressively
• There was an improper or lack of limo maintenance
• There was a defect in the manufacturing of the limo

As a common carrier, the limo driver is held to a higher standard and must exercise a high level of diligence whenever they have passengers. The limo company is responsible for supplying vehicles that are in top-notch condition and fit for passengers, meaning they are up to date on maintenance and repairs, and the vehicle is deemed safe.

Common Injuries

Some of the more common injuries you may experience following a limo accident include head trauma, traumatic brain injury, fractured bones, spinal cord injuries, amputation, severed limbs, neck injuries, back injuries, facial lacerations, and cuts, bruises, and scrapes.

More serious accidents can even result in death.

Compensation for Your Injuries

If you were injured in a limo accident, then you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, future medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and even mental anguish.

Your medical expenses include all the bills and all the costs associated with your care and treatment following the accident.

This can also include medical devices like crutches and braces and other costs like additional doctor visits, MRIs, radiologists, and more.

Sometimes the effects can last far past the accident, and in these cases, you will need compensation for your future medical expenses, including rehabilitation and specialists.

You will also seek compensation for lost wages when you are unable to work because of your injuries, your loss of earning capacity for your future lost wages, and mental anguish.

For help with your claim and getting the compensation you rightfully deserve, contact an experienced personal injury attorney today.