
Personal Injury Law Articles

can-there-be-a-lien-on-your-personal-injury-case Michael Babboni Nov/28/2022 Michael Babboni

Can There Be a Lien on Your Personal Injury Case?

When your health insurance company, Medicare, or Medicaid pays for your injuries after an accident, a lien may be put on your personal injury settlement. This is because they most likely have reimbursement rights that would come from any settlement y...

4-ways-negligence-happens-on-properties Michael Babboni Nov/23/2022 Michael Babboni

4 Ways Negligence Happens On Properties

Most homeowners in St. Petersburg are probably familiar with the cliché, “Your home is your castle.” As your own property, you can decorate it however you want, perform any non-criminal activities you like, and generally live your life as you see fit...

a-potential-burn-and-injury-hazard Michael Babboni Oct/06/2022 Michael Babboni

A Potential Burn And Injury Hazard

When people go out and buy products, they do so under the assumption that those items are safe. Most of the time, that notion holds true. Consumers purchase and use goods with no issues arising. Instead, the things do the jobs they were made to do,...

what-can-a-personal-injury-lawyer-do-for-you Michael Babboni Oct/04/2022 Michael Babboni

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do For you?

One of the great things about the Internet world that modern Floridians live in is access to useful information. In the past, if you wanted to learn something, you either asked others, consulted your home’s encyclopedia, if your home even had a set,...

133 - 144 of 727 posts