
Personal Injury Law Articles

boat-crashes-are-on-the-rise Michael Babboni Jun/15/2016 Michael Babboni

Boat Crashes Are On The Rise

It’s that time of year again, when school is out, the weather is great, and Florida’s coastal location means just one thing; it’s time to enjoy the water, and your boat. But when you take out your boat, you need to be careful. It should come as no su...

even-bedrooms-arent-safe-from-car-crashes Michael Babboni Jun/14/2016 Michael Babboni

Even Bedrooms Aren’t Safe From Car Crashes

Most people have every reason to believe that if they are nowhere near the road and are, in fact, safe and sound, at home, in bed, sleeping and getting rest for the next day, they would be safe from a car crash. The vast majority of the time, most pe...

st-petersburg-police-officer-injured-in-atv-crash Michael Babboni Jun/08/2016 Michael Babboni

St Petersburg Police Officer Injured In ATV Crash

On Monday May 23, 2016, a 26-year veteran police officer was injured in an accident in downtown St. Petersburg at the intersection of Fifth Street and First Avenue South while riding a police ATV. The incident began around 4:00 pm on Monday afternoo...

top-15-questions-to-ask-your-personal-injury-lawyer Michael Babboni Jun/02/2016 Michael Babboni

Top 15 Questions To Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are looking to hire a personal injury lawyer, there are a few things you are going to want to know about the person you are hiring. We’ve come up with a list of 15 simple questions that you can ask when you are looking to interview a potential...

what-is-car-accident-law Michael Babboni Jun/01/2016 Michael Babboni

What Is Car Accident Law?

The law in Florida is a little bit different than most other states when it comes to car accidents. As a No Fault state, it can be confusing to sort out what to do if you have been involved in a serious car accident. Let us explain some of the major...

what-should-i-do-in-a-boating-accident Michael Babboni May/31/2016 Michael Babboni

What Should I Do In A Boating Accident?

If you are involved in a boating accident, it can be a scary ordeal. You may be miles out to sea and need help. During the accident, keeping calm will be key. After the accident, there are a few things to remember. Is Everyone OK? First things first....

what-happens-if-you-get-bit-by-a-dog Michael Babboni May/30/2016 Michael Babboni

What Happens If You Get Bit By A Dog?

Dog bites can happen so fast. All it takes is a negligent owner, or the wrong circumstances to make a dog get aggressive. Sometimes it is truly an accident, but sometimes it is the fault of a dog that should not be out walking the streets of your nei...

recovering-from-serious-injury Michael Babboni May/26/2016 Michael Babboni

Recovering From Serious Injury

An injury, no matter how serious it is, requires recovery time. Some wounds are deeper than others, while some require either mental or physical care, and sometimes both. Finding out what you need will help to get you on the road to recovery, but som...

insurance-disputes-in-florida Michael Babboni May/25/2016 Michael Babboni

Insurance Disputes In Florida

When you purchase any type of insurance, whether it’s health insurance, auto insurance, or home insurance, you’re purchasing peace of mind. You want to know that in the case of a serious accident or loss, you won’t be left standing with a huge bill y...

types-of-defective-product-claims Michael Babboni May/24/2016 Michael Babboni

Types of Defective Product Claims

When a product goes wrong, there can be serious consequences. Injuries can occur and property can be damaged. A lot of times it is not the fault of the person using the product, but is actually the fault of the company who put together the product in...

understanding-florida-slip-and-fall-cases Michael Babboni May/23/2016 Michael Babboni

Understanding Florida Slip-And-Fall Cases

Slip-and-fall cases fall under an area of law known as premises liability. The basic idea of premises liability is that the owner of a property is required to take reasonable steps to keep it safe for visitors. Owners of businesses have a particular...

what-is-a-manufacturing-defect Michael Babboni May/19/2016 Michael Babboni

What Is A Manufacturing Defect?

Have you seen products that have been labeled with a manufacturing defect? Have you been injured by a product with a defect? A manufacturing defect can cause injuries ranging from small to traumatic. Legal action may be necessary to pay for medical b...

613 - 624 of 727 posts