
What Is Car Accident Law?

The law in Florida is a little bit different than most other states when it comes to car accidents. As a No Fault state, it can be confusing to sort out what to do if you have been involved in a serious car accident. Let us explain some of the major points for you.


Car Accident Law is the branch of the law that deals with car accidents and who is responsible for the damage to personal property. Most car accidents fall under state law, and lawyers must follow the laws of the state in which they practice. It is best to enlist the help of a lawyer from the state where the car accident occurred in order to make sure that they know the best practice to fit with the laws that are governing your accident. The claims usually consist of a combination of traffic infractions and personal property damage claims.

No Fault State

Florida is known as a No Fault state when it comes to car accidents. This means that no matter who is at fault in the case of a car accident, your own insurance is responsible for paying at least part of your medical bills and car repair bills. You will probably use a combination of your own medical insurance and car insurance policy in order to cover your bills. The policies you hold will dictate how much comes out of your pocket, and how much the company will cover for you.

Florida’s Injury Threshold

Only in the case of an accident that results in permanent injury, or permanent disfigurement or scarring can you take your claim to the other person’s insurance company. If you are confined to a wheelchair and cannot complete your daily task, you may be forced to pay a larger amount of medical bills, or you may not be able to return to work. In these situations, you may be able to make a claim against the party that caused the accident to help pay your bills. Talking with a lawyer will help you best determine how to proceed.


Florida insurance policies come with personal injury protection benefits, or PIP. This means that when you are involved in a car accident, your PIP benefits in your own policy are responsible for paying any bills you may incur. This includes personal injury, loss of wages, and “replacement benefits” that cover the cost of hiring someone to do things like clean your house or run errands for you in the case that you are injured and can’t do it yourself. When you purchase an insurance policy in Florida, it is a good idea to make sure that your policy covers you for all of these cases. Florida drivers are required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in PIP benefits and $10,000 in PDL (property damage liability) benefits as well. The more benefits you purchase in your insurance policy, the better off you will be if an accident ever does strike. Be sure that you cooperate with your insurance company, or they can terminate your coverage, leaving you with nothing.

If you have been in a car accident that has left you permanently disfigured or with a permanent injury, it may be time to seek professional help. Contact our law office today so we can get you on the right track. Our office has over 27 years of experience with personal injury claims and car accident law. Let us assist you with our knowledge and expertise so you aren’t left guessing at the next steps to take.