How To Recognize A Traumatic Brain Injury

What To Do After Any Accident
When you’ve been injured in an accident whether at home, on the road, or at work, it is imperative you see a doctor immediately. Many times we may think we are okay or will be fine in a couple of days, so we don’t visit the doctor. However, in cases of TBI the sooner you see the doctor, the better. Not only because TBI is incredibly serious and early diagnosis can help mitigate some of the long-term damage, but also to legally protect yourself if you have to file an injury claim. Even if you think it’s just a bump on the head, see your doctor immediately just to be safe.
Know The Symptoms
There are several early symptoms of TBI that you need to watch for after an accident including:
- Physical symptoms including: Head or neck aches and migraines; bruising; stiff muscles or joints; dilated or unequal pupils, blurred vision, dark bags, or sensitivity to light; nausea or vomiting; fatigue or insomnia; dizziness and loss of balance, blacking out, or fainting; loss of motor control skills and sense; seizures; slurred speech or impaired voice; and ringing in the ears
- Cognitive symptoms including: Amnesia, memory loss, or the inability to create new memories; confusion, difficulty focusing, thinking, or understanding; and forgetfulness and the inability to recognize everyday objects
- Behavioral symptoms including: depression and anxiety; impulsiveness and lack of restraint; angry, aggression, and irritability; apathy; and repetitive behaviors
If you have any of these symptoms after an accident, it is critical you see a doctor immediately no matter when the accident occurred.
What To Expect At The Doctor’s Office
When you visit the doctor you will need to tell them all of our symptoms. You will also need to recount the full details of the accident so they understand what could be causing your symptoms. The doctor will do a series of tests. Depending on the severity of your injury and what your symptoms are, they may recommend imaging tests like CT, MRI, or ICP scans, speech-language tests, neuropsychology tests, and cognitive tests. Once diagnosed, they may also refer you to specialists including speech-language pathologists, audiologists, neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists for further testing and treatment.
When To Contact An Attorney
Anytime you’ve been injured in an accident you should contact an attorney. This is especially true in the case of TBI. TBI is an expensive illness that can permanently change your life. Between costly medical bills, the potential loss of income, and the impact on your normal lifestyle, you will need help. Insurance companies are not here to help accident victims. They will work to offer you the lowest settlement for your injuries possible and sometimes will take advantage of your weakened state to deny your claim. Michael Babboni can help!
With decades of experience representing injury victims in southern Florida, Michael can help you negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company to ensure you get the treatment you need for TBI. If you’ve been injured in an accident, see a doctor immediately and contact Michael today!