
Pedestrian/Auto Accidents Are Becoming More And More Common These Days

Why do people choose to walk, jog, or run places in modern times? Well, there are a host of different answers to this question. Some folks decide to do so to accommodate their green lifestyles. They believe that humans are harming the earth with their gasoline-powered cars and other pieces of machinery. Thus, they do their part by walking or riding a bike to and from work, grocery stores, homes of family members, and more.

Other persons elect to go from point A to point B in these ways because they don't make enough money to own a car. After all, vehicle prices are pretty dicey today, regardless of whether the model is pre-owned or new. There are also additional expenses that come with car ownership as well. For example, the individual must pay for insurance, fuel, and maintenance services. Therefore, it is easy to see why some people have to find alternative methods to get around town.

Additionally, Florida has loads of attractions that bring out of towners flocking to the state on a regular basis. Hence, lots of these visitors decide to walk around and take in the sights, go out to eat, or even hit the beach. Plus, there are those that jog and run to exercise, drop some pounds, and get into shape. All of these things just go to show that pedestrians are frequently found in the Sunshine State.

With So Many People And Cars In One Place, Accidents Are Sure To Happen On Occasion

These incidents can be catastrophic for the pedestrian. They can get flipped into the air and hit their head hard on the ground. Also, it is possible for the person to get struck and thrown through the car's windshield. Unfortunately, skin, bones, muscles, and brains are no match for metal, rubber, glass, and concrete. These events happen more frequently than one might think. Take a peek these headlines from some local news outlets.

• Bay News 9 – Auburndale Crash Leaves Pedestrian In Critical Condition
• Miami Herald – Two Men Have Been Killed Trying To Cross U.S. 1 In The Keys Within A Week
• Orlando Sentinel – Pedestrian Killed In Orange County Hit-And-Run, FHP Says
• Patch – Pedestrian Killed In Crash On Central Avenue

Wrongful Death Or Injuries Are Possible

Research from the CDC states that about 129,000 pedestrians sought medical attention for non-fatal crash injuries in 2015. However, the report also proclaims that walkers are 1.5 times more likely to die than car occupants when accidents occur. In fact, in 2016, 5,987 pedestrians lost their lives due to traffic crashes in the United States. Aside from death, some of the ailments that people suffer from after such events include but are not limited to...

• Spinal Injuries
• Paralysis
• Loss Of Limbs
• Organ Damage
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Broken Bones

Recovering Or Covering Funeral Costs Is Expensive

If the injured party or family members of a loved one that died can prove that the driver of the vehicle is at fault, they may be awarded compensation. The Florida legal system is full of complicated jargon and complex laws though. In other words, the entire ordeal can be stressful and overwhelming if people choose to handle the matter on their own. Our personal injury lawyer has been practicing law here since 1987.

He has the experience, passion, and a stellar reputation in the legal industry. Plus, the firm has the means to take your case the distance, all the way to trial if need be. So, contact the office for a free case evaluation and discover where your claim stands today.