
Safe Driving Tips and Road Sharing With Semis in St Pete

If you live in or around St Pete or any of the other bustling areas in Florida, you are sure to share the roadways with a semi truck and other large commercial vehicles at one time or another.

Some people get nervous when they find themselves driving alongside these big trucks. And this is a natural response seeing as these vehicles are so much larger and heavier and can cause significant damage in the event of an accident.

According to information from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Florida and nine other states lead the nation to half of all fatal US truck crashes. Commercial vehicles also account for 12 percent of all traffic fatalities.

With that being said, we are here to offer some safe driving tips and other information you can use when road sharing with semis and other large trucks in St Pete.

Avoid No Zones

Side underride crashes are one of the most fatal causes of fatal vehicle and truck accidents. This is when a passenger vehicle hits the side of a semi-truck and slides underneath. When driving around these large trucks, understand they have four blind spots. They won’t always be able to see you. A good rule of thumb to remember is that if you can’t see the driver in the side mirror, they can’t see you.

When traveling alongside a semi or large commercial vehicle, slow down and avoid blind spots. Some of the no zones include 20 feet directly in front, 30 feet directly behind, the lane immediately to the truck's left, and the two lanes to the right.

Safe Passing

Make sure the other driver sees you when passing other vehicles, including large trucks. Signal that you are merging or changing lanes and pass any larger vehicles quickly. Before you switch lanes in front of a truck, you want to see the entire truck in your mirror. It is also good to allow for more space between you when possible.

When passing, always do so from the left lane and avoid passing as you go down a hill. If the large truck is trying to pass you, never attempt to stop them from doing so. Stay to the right as much as you can and give them the extra space they need to pass safely.

Avoid Aggressive Driving

Tampa and St Pete made the Top 10 Cities With the Most Aggressive Holiday Driver list, and GasBuddy named Florida the most aggressive driving state overall. Aggressive driving can be dangerous, especially when there are big rigs nearby. When driving behind a large truck, give yourself plenty of space.

A semi-truck takes approximately 40% longer to stop than a smaller passenger vehicle. So, if you are too close, there may be limited time to stop and adjust to avoid an accident.

Be Present Always

Learning to drive safely around 18-wheelers isn’t much different from driving safely any other time. Avoid all distractions when you are behind the wheel, pull over when tired, never drink and drive, buckle up, and drive defensively.

Careful driving can prevent accidents while keeping you safer. However, we can only control our own actions, making it even more important to stay alert and focused on the road.

Even if you take all the precautions possible and practice safe driving, accidents can and do still happen. If you were involved in an accident with a semi-truck or another commercial vehicle in St Pete, you might be entitled to compensation for any injuries or damages you sustained. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who is familiar with these cases.