
This Travel Trailer Could Pose A Risk To You And Your Family

Many people invest in travel trailers. Some folks choose to live in them, while others use them to camp, vacation, or travel, as the name implies. The mini-houses often have beds where occupants can rest their weary heads, refrigerators to store cold foods, and stoves to cook. Heck, if you haven't already, you might want to now after hearing all that.

That's not why we're here today, to promote travel trailers. Rather, our objective is to warn you with this consumer alert. However, you might be entitled to fair compensation if a defective product leaves you with severe injuries, and The St. Pete Lawyer recovers millions for the injured each year.

So just keep that in mind if you're ever in need of legal representation for a personal injury. Then, contact the office to schedule a free case evaluation. It is now time to get to what you came here for, the troublesome travel trailer, and that is our intention, so without further ado, let's move onto the next section.

A Risk Of Fire

Thanks to ConsumerAffairs, it has come to our attention that 55,508 Imagine, Transcend, and Momentum travel trailers from Grand Design RV, ranging from 2016 to 2021, may have problems. These units might have come equipped with LP gas regulators that can fail. If a failure occurs, appliances could receive excessive pressure and produce flames higher than expected.

That might not sound too bad, but things might turn ugly in a hurry due to that high flame. Furthermore, it increases the risk of fire, and nobody wants that. Can you even imagine? You light the stove to cook some breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the next thing you know, the flame got out of hand, and the trailer is engulfed. It's almost unthinkable, but we must discuss it because the issue could leave you or someone you love with significant burns, smoke inhalation, or other injuries.

Not only that but what if someone is asleep when the fire breaks out? If things get too hot too fast, they might not be able to escape the travel trailer and die. If a defective product causes a wrongful death, particular family members might be entitled to fair compensation as well. They are as follows.

• A Spouse
• Children
• Parents
• Blood Relatives And Adoptive Siblings Who Relied On The Deceased For Support

Why Seek Compensation?

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotic creams or other ointments for first and second-degree burns. However, when the third and higher degree burns enter the picture, the treatments become more complex. They often include splints, skin grafting, or procedures like reconstructive burn surgery. All of those things can get pretty dicey in a hurry with today's healthcare costs. 

That's why injury victims should seek compensation. It will hold the negligent party accountable and ensure they have the money they need to get better. Meanwhile, those mentioned earlier might wish to file a wrongful death lawsuit against a negligent company with the St. Pete Lawyer's help. If their suits win, they'll receive the funds to bury or cremate their loved ones, pay medical bills, and cover other final expenses.

Compensation could be factored in for pain, suffering, and things of that nature too, but that's a topic for another day. Hopefully, now that you have heard about the gas regulator issue, you'll be able to stay safe, but if tragedy strikes and you get hurt or someone loses their life, please, don't hesitate to contact us. Once again, the initial consultation is free, and, on a final note, those with personal injury cases do not owe fees unless they win.