
Tips To Help You Get A Favorable Personal Injury Claim Outcome Following A St. Petersburg Car Crash

It seems like everywhere you look, there are seas of taillights today. Even right here in St. Petersburg, traffic jams are aplenty at different times of the day on Central Avenue, 1st Avenue South, I-175, and elsewhere. That's because loads and loads of drivers call The Sunshine State home. In fact, according to Hedges & Company, there are 15.7 million licensed motorists in Florida.

Many people are able to drive in such conditions without ever getting into car wrecks. However, that outcome just isn't in the cards for some vehicle operators. That's because they're sharing the roadways with others, so even if they do everything right while driving, there's always the chance someone else could make a mistake near them. For instance, a drowsy driver might doze off, swerve into their lane, and push their car into a concrete barrier.

Then again, maybe a drunk driver passes over a dividing line, hitting another vehicle head-on. The list can go on and on, but the point is you could get into an accident with a negligent driver at some point during your driving career. After that, their insurance company could deny your compensation claim or offer you a low-ball settlement. Use the following tips to get the best outcome for your injury claim.

Hire An Accident Attorney

One of the most sure-fire ways to get a favorable personal injury claim outcome is by putting high-quality legal representation in your corner. A reputable, experienced, and trustworthy accident attorney will always fight with your best interests in mind while recovering the compensation you deserve. Sometimes, that comes via a settlement the professional helps negotiate between the plaintiff and defendant out of court.

Meanwhile, on other occasions, the compensation amount is awarded by a judge or jury in a court of law. So, ensure you get all that you're entitled to by hiring an accident attorney for your personal injury claim. That's a simple way to achieve the outcome you seek.

Don't Jump At The Very First Offer

By the time personal injury claims get underway after auto accidents, many injured victims are already beginning to feel the crunch financially. For starters, they probably had to spend some money getting their cars fixed, or in cases where vehicles get totaled, individuals may have to pay down on new rides or buy used cash solutions. Medical bills can begin accumulating pretty quickly too. Plus, the person might not have any income because their injuries prevent them from working.

Regardless of how dire things might seem in the beginning, if you can wait, it can be beneficial not to jump at the first compensation offer you're given. Insurers are notorious for offering accident victims low-ball settlements from the get-go. Keep that in mind if you're representing yourself. As for those with legal representation, your lawyer should be able to spot a fair settlement amount.

Have A Specific Figure In Mind

Going into negotiations without doing some research could put you at the other party's mercy. Why? Because you won't know what a fair settlement is. Then, you might agree to a low-ball amount that leaves you on the hook for medical bills, car repairs, and more in the end. So, do yourself a favor and have a legitimate estimate in mind. It should be determined by factors such as the severity of the injuries, lost wages, current/future medical costs, etc.

Have you been severely injured in an accident with a negligent driver? If so, schedule a free case evaluation with The St. Pete Lawyer today. He'll be happy to help you determine where your claim stands.