What Happens If Marijuana Is Eventually Legalized In Florida?

Is Legalized Marijuana Going To Happen In Florida?
The first bill of the 2019 Florida legislative session was filed by Carlos Guillermo Smith. That bill? To legalize the use of recreational marijuana. The state already has multiple medical marijuana dispensaries, and the combination of tax revenue, tourism revenue, and reduced congestion on the state’s prison system mean that it is something that will likely be very seriously considered.
There is no way to know just yet if the bill will pass and marijuana will become a reality, but experts agree that there is a very strong possibility. And while the law will outright ban driving while high on marijuana just as drunk driving is illegal already, that doesn’t mean that some drivers won’t break the law.
What If You’re Hurt By A Driver Who Is High?
So what happens if a motorists breaks the law, drives while on marijuana, and ends up causing an accident? Most likely, the same thing as if a drunk driver caused an accident – those hurt will be able to get help through a personal injury lawsuit.
Under current Florida law, if you’re hurt in an accident that was caused by the reckless or negligent actions of someone else then you may have the right to seek restitution through a personal injury lawsuit. Examples of negligent or reckless behavior includes things like:
• Driving while drunk
• Texting while driving
• Speeding
• Reckless driving
• And more
And of course, marijuana use while driving would absolutely fall into this category. This is already the case while marijuana is illegal for recreational use, and won’t be likely to change just because it becomes legal. If you can show that the other party was high when they caused your accident, you will most likely be able to seek restitution for your injuries through a personal injury lawsuit.
Getting Help
It won’t be a cut and dry, simple process, of course. You will have to be able to prove your case in front of a judge if needed or at least use your evidence during negotiations. As such, you’ll have to take the time to get help. A good personal injury attorney can prove your case and get you the compensation that you’re owed.
Our team is there to help. We have decades of experience in personal injury law and have experts who have dealt with marijuana related accidents in the past. If you’ve been hurt in an accident of this kind, don’t hesitate to contact our team today. You’ll get to speak with a legal expert and get a free initial consultation to find to more about your rights.