What To Do After A Hit-And-Run Accident

What It Is
Florida requires anyone involved in a car crash to stop at the scene of the accident and give important information to the other person involved. The driver has to give their name, address, vehicle registration number, and driver’s license or permit.
The drivers involved in the accident also need to give their licenses to the police on the scene. Additionally, they have to provide the necessary aid. For example, they may have to carry an injured person away from the crash, call 911, or transport the individual to a hospital. If the driver ends up not doing any of these before getting away from the scene, they have committed a hit-and-run.
What To Do
As stated earlier, hit-and-run crashes can lead to consequences affecting someone’s life. Anyone can end up being a victim, and no one can prepare for this type of accident as it may be someone else’s fault. However, knowing what you have to do after being involved in this type of accident in St. Petersburg can help you get proper compensation. Whether you are in your car or not around when someone hits your vehicle, you have to take the right steps.
• Call 911. If you are inside the vehicle when someone hits it or someone ends up getting injured, you have to call for help right away. Once you are sure that help is on the way, take note of all the details that you remember. Write down the make and model, color, and license plate number of the vehicle that hit you if you remember them. However, if you are the injured person, wait for help and get the proper medical treatment as soon as possible.
• Check for witnesses. Look around to check if someone else saw the incident. You can talk to the people near the accident area. If you find any witnesses, get their contact information. This way, the police or insurance company can easily reach them if necessary.
• Gather evidence. You can take some photos or video footage of the place where the collision happened. You also need to do the same thing to document the damage to your vehicle.
Getting Justice
You may also want to consider getting help from a personal injury lawyer in St. Petersburg. Florida law states that someone responsible for a hit-and-run has to face legal consequences. It may vary depending on the severity of the collision. If there is property damage, it will be a second-degree misdemeanor. If someone gets injured, it is a second- or third-degree felony. If someone ends up dead, it can be a first-degree crime.
Aside from this, being a victim of a hit-and-run accident gives you the legal right to seek monetary compensation for medical expenses, the cost of future treatments, and lost earnings.