
What To Do If You’ve Been Injured By A Faulty Product In Florida

When you purchase a product, you expect a certain safe experience to come out of that product. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out this way, and this may lead to injuries for unsuspecting consumers all across St. Petersburg. From cars to car seats, to tools and equipment, one faulty product can do quite a lot of harm. The risk of lawsuit helps to give negligent manufacturers some accountability for any faulty products they may release, and while the threat of lawsuit ensures manufacturers create safer products, it’s not an across the board solution.

Mistakes happen, and for manufacturers, personal injury lawsuits ensure these mistakes are paid for. When you strap a child into a car seat, you expect that car seat to remain intact and keep the child safe in the event of an accident. When you purchase a car, you expect that car will work safely. When you purchase a tool, you expect to be able to use that tool safely and without undue injury. When this doesn’t happen, and things don’t work out as planned, it’s time to make a call to your St. Petersburg personal injury lawyer.

Product Liability Claims

While negligent manufacturers do exist, most go to great lengths to ensure the safety and security of their products. When a product has been found to be faulty, often manufacturers will issue a recall of the product to ensure no further customer fall victim to injury due to the product’s faults. A product liability claim will usually arise due to one of the following situations :

• Manufacturers are unaware – In the majority of cases, the manufacturer is unaware of a problem until that problem manifests itself in their product.

• Evidence of faulty product is suppressed – In some cases, evidence may be found to have been suppressed, showing that manufacturers had some level of knowledge of their product’s fault potential, but hid this knowledge in order to keep the product in production. In these cases, injured parties may be entitled to big settlements and class action lawsuits may be filed.

Because compensation can vary so greatly in personal injury lawsuits stemming from faulty products, it’s important to hire a St. Petersburg lawyer to ensure a fair and complete case. Your attorney will be able to walk you through all of the facts surrounding the accident, and determine if your case falls under the unaware umbrella or if it’s a case of evidence suppression.

When To Call Your St. Petersburg Attorney

If you’ve been injured by a faulty product, always call your St. Petersburg as quickly as possible. As soon as you are able, your attorney will want to hear all about your case, as they begin crafting a defense for you that ensures you get the best settlement possible. When you first visit your St. Petersburg personal injury lawyer, it’s best to bring with you any pay stubs if you’ve missed work, your medical bills, any witness statements, and a complete and full write-up of your account of the accident.

If you’ve been injured due to a faulty product, it’s time to hold the manufacturer accountable. Whether they were aware of the danger of the product or not, it should not fall on the consumer to pay deeply for a manufacturer’s mistake. If you’d like to learn more about a faulty product and personal injury lawsuits in St. Petersburg, contact TheStPeteLawyer.com tod