What You Need To Know About Finding A Personal Injury Lawyer in St Petersburg

Of course, there are a lot of misconceptions about personal injury law and about personal injury attorneys. It's worth taking a look at some of the basic things you should know about finding an attorney so you understand why it's important to do so and what to look for when you do.
First of all, it's important to dispel the myth that if you look for a lawyer, you're just trying to scam the system. The media loves to cover frivolous lawsuits, but those are usually thrown out of court and only make up a fraction of the cases that are handled by an attorney. Instead, personal injury lawyers help their clients who may end up struggling with serious bills associated with their accident. Medical costs, lost wages at work, and other expenses can add up quickly after an accident and if it wasn't your fault, you shouldn't have to pay out of pocket.
To get a good personal injury lawyer in St Petersburg, there are a few things you'll want to remember during your search. Keep the following in mind and you'll find a lawyer you can depend on to get you the results you deserve following an injury.
- Start by making sure that they actually handle the kind of injury law you're dealing with. Most lawyers handle auto accidents, but get specific – does your attorney have experience handling trucking related accidents? What about personal injuries that occurred due to premises liability issues? You'll want to ensure that your attorney handles your specific needs.
- How experienced is your attorney's firm? Sure, everyone has to start out somewhere, but you need a law firm that has years of experience that they can put to work for you. Even if you have a young lawyer, their ability to consult with others in their firm will help your case significantly.
- Also make certain that your lawyer will take the time to work with you and explain things to you clearly. Personal injury law can be confusing and you want to be certain your lawyer will help keep you in the loop about what's going on with your case. This helps eliminate stress and worry during the course of the legal action.
Simply put, you need an attorney who you can trust and the points above will make it easier to find just that. If you've been injured in an accident of any kind, our law offices can help you. With a century of combined experience practicing all forms of personal injury law in Florida, our team is skilled, knowledgeable, and ready to work for you. Contact us for a free initial consultation to find out for yourself just what we can do for you.